miércoles, 21 de diciembre de 2011

Thanksgiving Day

Last  November, 22nd the 4th form students attended a great cultural lesson on the ocassion of Thanksgiving Day: a very American holiday which is celebrated on the fourth Thursday in November. We welcomed Christi at school. She belongs to Fundación Intercambio Internacional , she carried out a number of activities with the students, dealing with history, vocabulary, pronunciation, etc. She even brought smarties (candies for "smart" people) for those students who took an active part in the session! So thank you, Christi, for sharing your time with us and making us learn a bit more about your culture!

lunes, 19 de diciembre de 2011

Halloween Halloween Halloween

Halloween has always been one of my favorite holidays so I was thrilled to be able to help out with the festivities at school. At my station we had a mixture of activities- we played a little bit of trivia, acted out some charades, and even did the "Mummy Wrap" and a few other popular and typical holiday games from the United States. Watching the students get so involved and excited to participate really made the whole experience even better then I expected. All around I think that everyone had a great time and the day turned out to be a smashing success. Celebrating Halloween with all the students was an absolute blast and it is certainly something I will never forget.

domingo, 5 de junio de 2011

This is an article written by some students of our high school: Marina Durán Romero, Carmen Vela Escudero, María García Peinado and María Hidalgo Nieto.


We are high school students from I.E.S. "El Molinillo". We are proud of collaborating with a charity called "Proyecto Honduras". We usually send them food, clothes,etc...

Thanks to this association we have known this country through photos and videos in which we have been shown the poverty of this country and the injustice these people suffer. It's really unfair because they don't have the main rights.

One of the projects of this charity is a nursery and an orphanage where children can learn many things and where children can eat. A lot of our classmates send them letters explainig the way we live in our country to orphan girls.

This charity also works with an AIDS center patients.

In our high school we raise money and we collect food to send them. Last year we did a sponsored race and this year we are collecting salt.

We are all very happy taking part in this project because we are doing the best to improve the "Hondureños" life.

Everybody should live a good life.

domingo, 1 de mayo de 2011


Last month our 1st Cycle students could enjoy a play performed by Moving On Theatre Company at Guillena. They brought "Going Underground" on the stage. It introduced a bit of the history of the Tube (the London Underground). Some of our students took part in it quite actively. It was really COOOOOL!!!

miércoles, 30 de marzo de 2011


Last March, 17th we celebrated one of the most popular days in the Irish and American communities. We saw a very interesting ppt, learnt new things about the history of Ireland, shared Irish-American and Spanish food. It was really fun!

jueves, 3 de marzo de 2011


Last February we travelled to Gibraltar. The weather was appalling and we could feel as if we had a typical British day. We strolled around the Old Town. Our students played the role of tour guides and introduced us some interesting information about the history and culture of this particular territory. We couldn't ride the cablecar owing to the wind and the bad weather. Some could take some photos of the famous apes, one of the symbols of the Rock. The furious storm surprised us.

domingo, 13 de febrero de 2011

On 26th January 2011 a group of students who take the subject of Integrated Project went on a school trip to Riotinto to visit and learn about British and, in this case, English traces in our region. This guided visit started in the Mining Museum called Ernest Lluch where our students learnt about the history and development of mining in this area. Then we went to the Bellavista Quarter where we visited a model house built by the Rio Tinto Company Limited following the English style of the period and decorated with original furniture and objects. Only the British bosses and enginneers of the Company could live here. After that, we went to Peña de Hierro, near the source of the Tinto river to visit a real mining tunnel and where our excellent guide gave us very intersting information about the river and the mines and answered all our students doubts and questions. Finally, we went to the Mining Railway Station and we got on a train which took us to The Frier Station following the course of the Tinto River and getting deeper into a kind of lunar landscape created as a consequence of mining explotation.