domingo, 13 de febrero de 2011

On 26th January 2011 a group of students who take the subject of Integrated Project went on a school trip to Riotinto to visit and learn about British and, in this case, English traces in our region. This guided visit started in the Mining Museum called Ernest Lluch where our students learnt about the history and development of mining in this area. Then we went to the Bellavista Quarter where we visited a model house built by the Rio Tinto Company Limited following the English style of the period and decorated with original furniture and objects. Only the British bosses and enginneers of the Company could live here. After that, we went to Peña de Hierro, near the source of the Tinto river to visit a real mining tunnel and where our excellent guide gave us very intersting information about the river and the mines and answered all our students doubts and questions. Finally, we went to the Mining Railway Station and we got on a train which took us to The Frier Station following the course of the Tinto River and getting deeper into a kind of lunar landscape created as a consequence of mining explotation.